Welcome To HTML 4 YOU
"Learning and exploring the mysteries of HTML", together.

HTML 4 You (Homepage)  *   Sample  Homepage
 Lesson 1 Abbreviations of Internet Use

Other Lessons are at HTMLWiz
and the Lessons examples are
listed further down this page.

Purpose of HTML 4 You

  This site is being created in coordination with and for purpose of lessons posted in the Yahoo group HTML Wiz. All corresponding lessons can be found within HTML Wiz usually in both the posts and in the group's files.  

About HTML Wiz

Click on the above photo to visit HTML Wiz chat group.

HTML Wiz was founded Jan 4, 2005 and is just now getting ready to come into it's own. The delay on this was due to various circumstances. Now we are hoping to learn from each other and hopefully membership will not only expand for beginners but also expand with those who are willing to share their HTML knowledge.

Also, as we go through lessons at HTML Wiz in order to see what the resulting code would look like I will add most lesson links here. On rare occasions I might add a page link to the index at the top of the page.

* Lesson 1
Abbreviations of Internet Use

* Lesson 2 (& 3)
Example of resulting simple text only web-page when there is the HTML code opened and closed but no line breaks.

Also, ads are not part of my code that is just the server since this site is free.

* Another example of Lesson 2
No paragraph breaks, no line breaks.

Lesson 4

*Examples of line breaks
Results of line breaks. Each sentence is on it's own line making this short text easier on the eyes to read the text.

* Example of Longer text with no breaks.
This shows how crowded a longer text looks without no breaks.

*Example of Longer text with Breaks.
This webpage is an example of the longer text with line and paragraph breaks.

About Sample Homepage

Customizing and Personalizing My Site
Behind the Scenes of My Home Page

For more information about customizing personalizing and behind the scenes of your homepage, please visit Sample Homepage.

The Sample Homepage has many helpful suggestions for building a website.
Depending on the purpose of your website and the content you will not need to follow every suggestion.

However, it is worth your time to peruse the Sample Homepage because you will find something helpful concerning building and/or maintaining a website.

The Sample Homepage is what the homepage from FreeServers looked like by defualt before I started adding my own content and completely removing other content. The exceptions is I created the Title and put in my link-pages on the index.

Links FreeServer supplied

Need some extra help building your site? Here are some topics that may be helpful.


The ads at the extreme top, extreme bottom and your extreme right; I have no control over so please be patient about this.

My e-mail: RevBill3rd@yahoo.com

End of Web-page.